Join Us
Most beekeepers join the British Beekeepers Association by becoming a member of a local group. This gives them the benefit of both local and national events and activities. Sleaford Beekeepers is a branch of Lincolnshire Beekeepers Association, which is a registered charity and an umbrella organisation for nine other local groups across the county.
There are a variety of membership types:
Full Member: £32.50 (which includes a District sub of £5).
An active beekeeper or someone wishing to be treated as such becomes a member of the local District, Lincolnshire Beekeepers' Association (LBKA) and British Beekeepers' Association (BBKA).
As a Registered member:
• Receive BBKA News magazine monthly.
• Attend BBKA events
• Product and Public liability insurances to £10 million
• From BDI, brood disease insurance for the first 3 colonies
£1.20 for 2 extra (3 to 5 hives in total)
£4.70 for 7 extra
£7.75 for 12 extra,
£9.50 for 17 extra,
£11.10 for 22 extra
£13.60 for 27 extra
• Attend LBKA events at Association and District levels
Partner Member: £20.75 (which includes a District sub of £5).
A Partner member who is an active beekeeper with all rights as above except that they share BBKA and LBKA publications with the Full Member who lives at the same address. BDI is paid by the Full member.
Junior Member: £9.50 A beekeeper under 18. Must have an adult member who acts in supervisory capacity.
Local/Associate Member: District Sub of £5.
A local (formally associate) member is not an active beekeeper but has access to all District activities and some LBKA activities at the discretion of the organisers.
Country Member: £15.50 (which includes a District sub of £5).
A country member (ie non- beekeeper) who wishes to opt into BBKA. Receives BBKA News but does not receive any of the BBKA insurances.
Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December, but new members joining after 1st September have membership to the end of the following year.